Life Events


We warmly welcome baptisms at All Saints and are very happy to baptise children who live in the parish or whose families have started worshipping here. If you live outside the parish, you would normally approach the parish church where you live.

Babies and young children are baptised on the understanding that their parents intend, with the church’s help, to bring them up in the knowledge and love of God. Older children and adults are baptised after a course of preparation and this is normally combined with confirmation.

We offer baptism within our main 10am Sunday morning service except during Lent. It is also possible to have baptisms at a separate service if there is a need, but the congregation love to celebrate baptisms with the candidates and families so our preference is to host them at the main service.

For babies and younger children, it is a requirement that Godparents should be baptised themselves. 

If you’d like to arrange a baptism, please contact Revd Mae Christie by phone at 020 8767 7705, e-mail at, or come along to our 10am service and meet us. We are always very glad to see families with children in the church and there is provision for them.

"Baptism marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives, the first step in response to God's love"

Common Worship: Baptism Service


It is a great joy and privilege to conduct weddings for couples at All Saints.

For couples wishing to marry at All Saints, there are certain legal requirements. To have a right to marry in the church, you have to live in the parish or be a regular worshipper at the church or have a “qualifying connection” with the church.

Before the wedding you will have to have your banns read or apply for a licence to marry. To find out more, please contact the Revd Mae Christie by phone at 020 8767 7705, e-mail at, or come along to our 10am Service.

If you are marrying in another church and live in All Saints Parish, you may need to have your banns read here. In which case there is a fee of £51 applicable to be payed to "All Saints Tooting"

"Marriage is a way of life made holy by God, and blessed by the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ with those celebrating a wedding at Cana in Galilee."

Common Worship: The Marriage Service


The church is available for funerals for anyone who lived within the parish or who had a strong connection with the church. Clergy and readers are also available to lead services in crematoria and cemetery chapels.

If you would like a Church of England funeral, the normal practice is to tell your undertaker to contact the parish priest. We are also here for you if you would like prayers and moral support at a sad and difficult time.

"I am the resurrection and the life," says the Lord. "Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die."

John 11: 25,26